Uluslararası Final Üniversitesi

Dean's Message

Prof. Dr. Nazife Aydınoğlu

Dear students, parents and members of academic staff,

Welcome to Final family. As Final International University, Faculty of Educational Sciences, we aim to train our students as teachers who are fully equipped with the knowledge, skills and competences required in their field and in the 21st century; respectful of national and international values; able to keep up with the changing world; who can ask questions, think critically, serve science and welfare of the society, and meet the needs of students considering individual differences.

In line with this aim, we endeavour to provide education in an international student-centred learning environment that will support our students’ socio-cultural development and help them acquire social awareness. 

Final International University, Faculty of Educational Sciences offers five degree programs: Guidance and Psychological Counselling, Pre-school Education, Turkish Language Teaching, English Language Teaching and Special Education Teaching. In all these programs our students are offered courses of theory and practice in three different categories namely courses in their fields, pedagogical courses and general culture courses. In addition to these, one of the significant goals of our faculty is to make our students acquire ethical values such as having a strong sense of responsibility, acting fairly, standing against all kinds of discrimination, contributing to peace and order, and being sensitive to social and environmental problems.

We are well aware of the importance of research for learning and its continuity. Therefore, we give great importance to training our students as good researchers. We aim to train creative and innovative teachers who do not only follow the existing syllabus as it is, but who have the skills to understand individuals, identify their needs, design appropriate teaching programs for them, and adapt the existing programs according to individual differences.

I wish you all a successful, healthy and happy university life that will prepare you for your future careers in the best way.


Prof. Dr. Nazife Aydınoğlu